Easy English for the World生活英語+國中會考【餐飲篇】系列14★ 單字American [?ˋm?r?k?n] adj. 美國的、美式的(國中基本1200字)advertisement [??dv?ˋta?zm?nt] n. 廣告、宣傳(國中挑戰800字)★ 實用字詞1. American restaurant 美式餐廳2. advertisement 常縮寫成adA restaurant is running an ad in a local newspaper.某家餐廳在當地報紙上刊出一則廣告。 分享 facebook 閱讀技巧:將長句分成短字詞,以利閱讀Eddy’s Restaurant/is a good choice/for all.艾迪餐廳/是個好選擇/對所有人來說。動手做做看:將長句分成短字詞We offer you a big menu with all kinds of American food.考題練習:多益普及測驗+國中會考題型1. What is being advertised?(A) A restaurant(B) A pub(C) A hotel2. What kind of food is served?(A) Taiwanese food(B) American food(C) French food3. What will happen if people order lunch specials?(A) Have a soup(B) Have a salad(C) Have a discount解答:動手做做看:將長句分成短字詞We offer you/a big menu/with all kinds of American food.我們提供您/豐盛的菜單/包括各種美式食物。考題練習:多益普及測驗+國中會考題型1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (C)實踐大學陳超明教授 編審英語教學博士張迪 編寫


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